Do you think you could govern better than a fifth-grader?

7:36 a.m.

COPYRIGHT 2017© If only we could clean up town government like we clean up the streets.

You look at the community spirit, the tireless effort and the selfless commitment that sparkled on Saturday and you think, "If we could unleash that energy and those minds unfettered by petty power plays, greed and self-aggrandizement, think how better off we'd be.

If we could roll up our sleeves, unleash objective thinking and "take to the streets" the cronyism, back room deals and greed for power that rears its ugly head far too often, think of what we could do.

Remember that show, "Are you smarter than a fifth-grader"?

Look at the youngsters around the Northern Seacoast who excitedly and enthusiastically volunteered their time to clean up the streets on Saturday.

Do you think we could get them to serve on a budget committee or board of selectmen just to bring a touch of reality to the mix?

Do you think they might question some of the things we see folks in government doing all the time?

You know the saying "Out of the mouths of babes." You know there's a reason for that.