Library offers Story Times for kids age 1 to kindergarten

Staff reports 8:40 a.m.

Library offers Story Times for kids age 1 to kindergarten

The Rochester Public Library's Story Time provides an opportunity for children and parents to listen to book readings and participate in activities like craft making. (Courtesy/Rochester Public Library)

ROCHESTER - The Rochester Public Library is preparing for its upcoming session of Spring Story Times for young children.

Story Times meet weekly, allowing small groups of children from 1 year old to kindergarten to enjoy readings and activities facilitated by library staff. Registration for the spring session begins at 9 a.m. on Feb. 21 and can be completed by going to the library or calling 603-335-7549.

"We want this to be a really child and family friendly space," Children's Room Librarian Marie Kelly said. "In terms of our programming, we put a big emphasis on making it fun and appealing to kids rather than strictly educational. It's also a great way for kids and parents to enjoy time together and socialize."

Each sessions runs for six weeks. The schedule, beginning March 12, is as follows:

Toddler Time - Thursdays at 9:15 a.m.

Toddlers between 12 and 24 months and their parent or caregiver meet with a librarian for 20 minutes of stories, songs and finger plays. Parents are invited to stay for coffee/tea in the Story Time Room after the program. Toys will be available for the toddlers to play with while adults get a chance to socialize. Unfortunately, siblings are not permitted to join.

2-3 years old - Mondays at 10 a.m.

Children and parents or caregivers meet with a librarian for 30 minutes of stories, games and a craft. Siblings may attend with the librarian's approval.

3-4 years old - Tuesdays at 10 a.m.

Children meet independently with a librarian for 30 minutes of stories, songs and a craft.

Family Story Time (2-5 years old) - Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

Children and parents or caregivers meet with a librarian for 30 minutes of stories, games and a craft. Younger children attend with a parent, older children may attend independently. Siblings may attend with the librarian's approval.

Four-year-olds through kindergarten - Tuesdays at 6 p.m.

Children meet independently with a librarian for 45 minutes of stories, songs and a craft.