Already they're in "an Augusta state of mind"

Already they're in "an Augusta state of mind"

Conspicuously absent at last night's vital Public Hearing on retaining Rescue Ambulance 2 were the Republican and Democratic nominees for House 20, which represents Lebanon, as well as Acton and a portion of Shapleigh.

Can it be that these two have already set their Star Trek transponders on Augusta and have forgotten about the concerns of the people of Lebanon?

It's difficult and troubling to fathom why such an important meeting would be ignored. Is this how they show how important our public safety concerns are to them?

The Republican nominee, just as she did in office, will run as fast as she can from any substantive issue, because she doesn't want to give up any votes and she believes she can be elected on the basis of family and childhood chums.

Those connections may be cause for affection, but do not predict political prowess, of which she has little. Look how she was bamboozled out of the Rescue Probe, for instance. She was either incredibly naïve or worse.

I guess she believes if you can avoid taking a stand altogether, and just rely on cronyism, nepotism and the good ole boy - and girl - network, why even bother to take a stand?

And as far as the Democratic nominee, she thinks she's won already, just because she's a Democrat. How sad - and arrogant - is that?

All I see in their mailings are the usual platitudes and pablum.

I hope you'll consider writing my name in on Nov. 4. You can see where I stand on the issues by reading my Facebook Page (Harrisonforrepseat20) or visiting

Or you can go to their pages and enjoy some more pablum.