Beware the globalist Trojan horse that is ConCon

Beware the globalist Trojan horse that is ConCon

To the editor:

Warning Danger! Honorable State Legislators beware! Don't let the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) influence the way you represent "we the people" so much that they make a "smart Alec" out of you. In these times of oppressive unconstitutional federal power overreach we need your office to stand against all of their usurpations of power not granted to them by the U.S. Constitution.

I was reminded of the ALEC move to recruit conservative liberty minded Republicans away from constitutional limits when I received a Facebook email from a friend with a picture of a number of New Hampshire state legislators being wined and dined by the ALEC. When I first contemplated the negative impact of this move that helps reduce and weaken advocates of limited constitutional government benefiting leftist causes, my first perception of this picture was that these public servants seem to be busting with pride about their association with ALEC. Applying Will Roger's witty comment to this association with ALEC by public servants: "What these elected officials think they know about ALEC ain't so."

State Representative Robert Theberge sure learned this lesson the hard way by being a member of ALEC. Based on experience his observation was: "It is true that I was a member of ALEC several years ago. My intention was to bring forth a different perspective on issues. However, I quickly learned that the voice, of what I believed to be reason, did not prevail. I was also concerned about the make-up of the members where businesses and corporations had a direct voice and vote on national issues. In particular, pressure was placed on members to put forth legislation and provided with boiler plates for legislation to that end. In conclusion, I am no longer a member of ALEC, nor do I support their views. . ." It is encouraging that a Democrat is concerned about the danger of pressure from corporative influence over model "boiler plate" legislation.

Lew Rockwell, President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute's words add to the concern over deception of the their stated purpose: "ALEC talks a good game of "free markets" while actually promoting corporate subsidies and economic Fascism..." Check out an in-depth article from The New American of May, 5th ,2014 called The Not-so-smart ALEC

It is easy to see why ALEC's philosophy and their goals appeal to legitimate constitutionalists who oppose the oppressive hand of Big Government. However, just like a small amount of cyanide in a glass of water will kill one who is thirsty, there are many signs that the goal of ALEC is just the opposite of its stated purpose of "Free Markets Limited government and individual liberty." Members of ALEC cite how Liberal establishment media and leftist activism beat up on ALEC for its conservatism. But this doesn't prove their conservative free market image is genuine. How can 800 to 1,000 model bills per year heavily influenced by corporate and business giants from "who is who" of Fortune 500 companies truly represent the will of the people of NH if corporate members and state legislators all have equal votes? Googling these corporate giants is a vivid exposure of how much power, wealth and influence they have in promotion of legislation that benefits their interest and promotes the opposite of their stated purpose.

But It isn't surprising that mostly liberty minded conservative state legislators are attracted to ALEC. Unfortunately, those who join as members add undeserved conservative credibility to ALEC, and thereby create a divisive problem for "we the people" that promote individual liberty maximized by constitutional government. But it is surprising that too many good legislators who normally promote "individual liberty," do not look below the surface for the following red flags that promote destruction of our Constitution through Article V Conventions and the Marxist "Free Trade scam."

First, it seems almost unlimited budgets have promoted Article V Conventions (ConCon) funded from the likes of George Soros (among other power elite) through the Open Society Foundation, that promote amending the Constitution with "amendments" or even replacing our present Constitution that just needs to be obeyed not fixed or replaced. Just think if Soros gets his way with the Constitution 2020 movement that he is bankrolling that is a powerful blueprint for implementing Marxist tyranny.

ConCon's are a danger to our Constitutional Republic because amendments proposed initiate a mandate for the federal Congress to call a ConCon after 2/3 of the states call for a Convention on a specific issue. After the the ConCon is called it represents the "sovereign will of the people" superior to both the federal and state legislatures. Article V is silent about delegates, who will be chosen, how and by what method? Madison, Hamilton and Washington will not be around to protect our liberty as in 1787. Imagine the unlimited Nanny state advocates of today turned loose with a hatchet to chop up the Constitution. It would be like turning a "fox loose in the chicken coop." Get the rest of the story at

The second "red flag" is a major move toward international socialism and destruction of national sovereignty. It was initiated in the 1990s when Newt Gingrich Republican Speaker of the House joined forces with President Clinton to pass NAFTA, (now superseded by a more dangerous agreement), the (USMCA), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). For decades Congress has been inundated with so-called free trade legislation promoted by ALEC that continues to surrender their control over trade along with the president's, to the WTO's unelected international bureaucrats. Why does ALEC promote agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), " entangling the U.S with all the nations of the EU," and the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) that , "thank God!" have so far not passed? Free trade is not free. It is an essential strategy for the progression of international socialism envisioned by Karl Marx to be promoted by non-communist hands.

Both state legislators and freedom loving citizens should be concerned about ALEC policies. For the concept of government in Americas birthing documents in the Declaration of Independence that is secured by the Constitution is called Americanism. It mandates the eternal biblical wisdom that, "We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the purpose of government is to secure these rights." This biblical wisdom of our Founders was poured into a Godly mold that has created more liberty for us than any people who have walked the earth. It is precious for it maximizes freedom by limiting government to its primary and proper purpose to "protect the life and property of its citizens." We of our time must "pay the price of eternal vigilance to preserve it."

We need our state officeholders to represent "we the people" more than ever in these chaotic times. Remind them that ALEC does not vote at the polls. Why shouldn't citizens question the reasoning of their State Representatives and Senators who promote the philosophy of government advocated by ALEC? For in their promotion of the dangerous ConCon movement that blames the Constitution "for not being obeyed," by those who are sworn to it, they endanger our liberty. For their promotion of the solutions of "amendments that will be just more laws that will not be obeyed." Or replacing the whole Constitution, endangering the most powerful human document in all history that is designed to limit government, thereby maximizing liberty.

This is a path that freedom loving Americans do not want to take. ALEC's stated purpose is good. Its track record is a danger to our Constitutional Republic.

- Russ Payne,
