Biden's 'code red' climate power grab could be death knell of liberty

6:10 a.m.

Biden's 'code red' climate power grab could be death knell of liberty

To the editor:

Big news breaking on August 8th: all the controls to calm the fears of many Americans who jumped in line responding to all the COVID propaganda in 2020 threaten again. Unfortunately, many will respond to President Biden's frightening words that according to Stephane Abrams, essentially mean his intent was to call an emergency to protect us from climate in the U.S. .

What controls will be next to replace mandatory masks, the jab, social distancing and selectively closing down small business in the Covid scare? Are we to believe the virus didn't spread in the nations largest chains, while thousand of small business, mom and pops stores were closed because the virus spread where crowds were smaller? Does this make sense?

Just because the president issued an Executive Order, are we to believe that churches were non-essential and liquor and marijuana establishments were essential? I bet many of the folks who were frightened and walked in lockstep with these edicts, also are among those involved in the "war against life in the womb," who blow their horns about their "freedom of choice" to kill the baby.

Hypocrisy unlimited! The government tells those they wish to rule, you can drink alcohol and smoke dope. You jump in line even though the Supreme Law of the Land tells you: "Government shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion and the free exercise thereof," but all of a sudden in case of an emergency, we are to jump in line like sheep and follow the shepherds voice.

Our American Constitution is like an oasis in a desert of totalitarian regimes around the world. The purpose of our government is to limit government not the people. But our God given rights are only on paper: "We the people must enforce them. Because God is the author of liberty and all the human rights: our Constitution demands limitations shall be put on Congress - not the people - in the Bill of Rights. But what good is a law if citizens cower before the state?

Contrary to our Founders wisdom, like all other dictatorships, the UN Declaration of human rights grants rights on paper through the first 28 Articles, then look at how Article 29 section 3 takes them away with a guarantee of total government: "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

On May 2 Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer issued a Climate Emergency Resolution that urged the president to exercise unconstitutional executive powers to officially add emergency powers to his existing powers to prepare for a climate crisis which the president has declared "code red," and the World UnHealthy Organization, a UN bureaucracy, has predicted would cause an additional 30 million deaths. Ask yourself, will health through government control add to the problem?

We have Freedom of Choice to demand that Congress control the presidents dreams of a New World Oder. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to jump in line? Or are you going to jump in line with the "revolution of truth" with The John Birch Society? Arm yourself with weapons of truth, see the exposure of fraud behind climate change at You have "Freedom of Choice." Use it to stop the power of "choice" that has a history of "choosing death." Only this time, it is the "death of liberty."

- Russ Payne,
