'Even with coronavirus, people say they'd rather come here than anywhere'

Harrison Thorp 7:18 a.m.

'Even with coronavirus, people say they'd rather come here than anywhere'

City Chinese restaurants say Rochester foodies continue to support them during coronavirus scare. (Courtesy photo)

ROCHESTER - While Chinese restaurants in big cities and especially in big-city Chinatowns across the country are seeing drastic drops in revenue due to coronavirus fears, Rochester's Chinese and Asian-themed eateries are faring much better, diningroom managers say.

It may be because many of the city's Chinese restaurants have been rooted in Rochester's culinary culture for many decades, like the Dynasty on Signal Street and the China Palace at South Main and Columbus.

Stella Goon, manager at China Palace, said on Wednesday she believes the reason business hasn't slipped is because the people of Rochester have been coming to her restaurant so long they don't even give it a second thought.

"People say, even with coronavirus, 'I'd rather come here than go anywhere,'" she said

A manager at the Eastern Paradise in Epping, which also operates a franchise at The Ridge, said COVID-19 has led to "no problem," or dropoff of its customer base.

That's a big difference from Chinese restaurants in big cities like San Francisco and New York, where they've seen as much as a 60 percent drop in business, according to a recent New York Post article.

President Trump on Wednesday night promised low-interest loans to businesses that are seeing significant losses due to COVID-19, but it appears - at least so far - that Rochester's Chinese foodies are stepping up to the plate and not caving to the ignorance and fear mongering being seen across the country.

"We've been here a long time, they know we don't take shortcuts (with cleanliness)," Goon said. "They can come in my kitchen anytime."