Is the country really divided, or just diverse like always

8:14 a.m.

Is the country really divided, or just diverse like always

Who went and made the decision that all of a sudden this is a divided country?

This has always been a divided country.

Why? Because this is not Russia or North Korea or Cuba or any other totalitarian state. You can think what you want and say what you want.

Remember Kennedy vs. Nixon? The protests of 1968? The antiwar marches over Vietnam? Roe V. Wade? Right to Work? School choice? LGBTQ? Those crazy Christians? Socialism vs. Capitalism? Welfare vs. Get off your butt? Beautify America: Get a haircut? Legalize marijuana: Are you high?

The next time you hear a reporter question the president by saying "Some people would say..." I challenge you to take a shot of your favorite adult beverage. You'll be tipsy by the time the question is answered.

On Wednesday while watching a press conference with Sean Spicer at the White House, it was pretty clear that reporters were treating him like a substitute teacher trying to educate the "sweathogs."

"Ooooh oooooh, Mr., Spi-cer, Mr. Spi-cer. Some people say your policies are frightening illegal aliens who have broken the law by entering our country illegally ... what can you say to them to calm their fears?"

I don't know, how about "Go home."

Talk about a snarky crowd. I've worked as a substitute teacher for years and I can guarantee you Hallie Jackson of NBC would've been the first to be headed straight for the principal's office with that perpetual smirk on her face while asking a question.

Mr. Spicer, you have the patience of Job.

Meanwhile, as a direct result of NBC's extreme prejudice against the Trump administration, I've decided to stop buying anything the network is trying to sell, including their biased reporting.

From Buzzfeed to Access Hollywood to Saturday Night Live the network has become a cesspool of progressive servitude.

Now where's my Snicker's bar. Oh, much better.