Letter To The Editor: The fox guarding the henhouse

Letter To The Editor: The fox guarding the henhouse | Rescue probe,Frizzell,Jason Cole

Robie Marsters

 To the editor:

    I have been following the info about the investigation into the five complaints about the rescue department and how it was handled.

My personal opinion is that it should have been handled by a non-bias third party. To make a fair and just decision on the findings someone not involved with the selectmen’s office should have done the investigation. I understand that there are agencies that handle just this sort of thing.

Everyone involved has to be truthful and honest in the investigation.

    I really don't know all the facts about the complaints so at this point I will not take sides. The big problem I have is how the matter was handled.

How can one selectmen and the town attorney, who himself stated at the town meeting that he works for the selectmen, make a fair judgment.

This whole thing should have been transparent and honest and in the best interest of the town. By hiding the facts from the people it seems like there was something to the allegations. The way I see what happened it's like the FOX GUARDING THE HENHOUSE.  Another question is if this slid under the table, how many other things have been.

     The town should have an ethics committee to make decisions such as this. Either that or hire an outside organization to advise the town on what avenue would be the best to take.

     What is going on now is the FOX GUARDING THE HENHOUSE. Do you want this to continue?  

- Robie Marsters