Milton PTA to host first-ever Paint Night

Milton PTA to host first-ever Paint Night

MILTON - Milton PTA is hosting a paint night during which a local parent will provide instructions for kids to paint their own masterpiece turtle.

The cost for this is $10 to cover the materials. A parent or responsible sibling must accompany their child.

The PTA will be offering this paint night on two nights: Tuesday May 5 and Thursday, May 7, both at 6 p.m.

There is a maximum of 20 kids that can sign up per night. Attendees are asked to complete the form below and return it to Milton Elementary School by April 24.

The PTA organizers remind all that this is a perfect chance for children to create their Mother's Day gift.

For more info email

Attn: See form below

Child's Name:


Phone Number:

Night you are signing up for: Tues May 5th Thurs May 7th