Sausage Express donates Dec. tips - then matches them - to Salvation Army

Staff reports 8:46 a.m.

Sausage Express donates Dec. tips - then matches them - to Salvation Army

Currently parked near the Community Center, owner Dan O'lone is looking forward to returning to its Home, Depot that is. (Courtesy photo)

ROCHESTER - During the month of December Sausage Express food truck committed to contributing all of its tips to the Salvation Army in Rochester.

"December wasn't a great month for us - there were a few days when we couldn't open due to weather and when the snow got plowed at the Community Center you could barely see our truck behind the massive snow bank," said owner Dan O'Lone. "However, many of you were more than generous."

After totaling all the tips O'Lone said they decided to match the tips and double the donation.

"The folks at the office of the Salvation Army on Signal Street were overjoyed to hear our story and gratefully accepted our check," he said. "Thank you to all our customers for blessing us with a good year despite the many challenges of 2020. We can't wait to fire up the grill again in March hopefully back at Home Depot!"