'The bitch of rock' plays the Rec. Yard in Laconia on Saturday

3 p.m.

'The bitch of rock' plays the Rec. Yard in Laconia on Saturday

Hank Decken, Al Silva, Tim Matthews are the sound behind Rosie (Courtesy photo),

Rosie, known locally as the "Bitch of Rock," is a regional original and classic rock cover band, is celebrating their 40th anniversary this year. Having formed in 1980 with various members and crew personnel, the current lineup consists of Hank Decken, lead guitarist, vocalist, producer & songwriter, Al Silva, drummer, merchandise and marketing manager, Tim Matthews, bassist and vocals.

Rosie continues to play the New England circuit at outdoor venues, festivals, Shark in the Park concerts, Rockin`on the RIVER cruises sponsored by the SHARK radio station.

Rosie was also the recipient of the first New England Music Awards in Manchester in 1987 having won 3 awards, Best Band, Best Songwriter and Best Show category. They also won the Best Song award for the original song "Talk Straight" hosted by the Portland, Maine, radio station WBLM`s Blimpsville Beat Contest. If you are interested in booking or seeing the band live, you can visit ROSIEBANDROCKS on Facebook for dates and Special Edition 40th anniversary T-shirt merchandise or email Al Silva at al@alsilvagraphics.com.

Here's this week's lineup


Saxx Roxx Band at The Garage at the Governors Inn, Rochester NH, 7-10pm. Classic Rock with a touch of brass! Be ready to dance!!

The Perfect Gentlemen at the Dover Brickhouse in Dover NH, 7-10pm. Current and classical acoustic pop and rock it is all about vocal dynamics in blazing acoustic guitar!


Texas Pete at Trains in Lebanon ME, 6-10pm. Rocking your country favorites!

Miss Labeled's Birthday Bash at Charleez Hill Museum & Events Venue in Lebanon ME, starting at 4:20pm and ending at 4:20pm on Sunday! Great music, great people, great cause! There are open jams on Sunday.


Neon Gypsy at The Garage at the Governors Inn, Rochester NH starting at 12 noon. Playing at a special event, WaynoPalooza Fundraiser. Others playing at this event are:

Ron Jones 1-2pm

Saturate 2-3pm

Limbo Cage 3-4pm

25 Cent Habit 4-5pm

Badtude at 5-6pm

In honor of, Wayne Countryman, fundraiser for a scholarship at the Rochester Center of Performing Arts. Help someone reach their dreams of becoming a musician 🎶

Bad Penny at the Garage at the Governors Inn, Rochester NH 7-10pm. Rocking 80's Band! Get Ready!!

Rosie at the Rec Yard in Laconia NH 6-10pm. Classic Rock Covers with a little Rocking Country thrown in!

Wednesday, Sept 16

Brian Munger and Band at the Garage at the Governors Inn, Rochester NH 6-9pm. Classic rock and original music, come and enjoy!

Watch for PorchFest 2020 coming up on September 27th!

CC Bissett is a longtime aficionado of the local music scene. She lives in Lebanon, Maine. You can email her at CCBissett603@gmail.com