Three students at MES get Eagle awards

Three students at MES get Eagle awards

Zack Downs and Abigail Hampton (Courtesy photo)

MILTON - Milton Elementary School Principal Doug Kilmister awarded the "Eagle" award to three deserving 5th-graders during the 2nd quarter award ceremony on Friday.

Eagle award recipients are chosen by their teachers. The award recognizes students who are trustworthy, giving, respectful, and inclusive. Kilmister describes the winners of these awards as students who "...bring people together and can help solve problems constructively." The award is given twice during the school year: at midyear and at the end of the school year.

Three 5th-grade students were chosen for the Eagle award.

Haley Merrill was recognized (with her twin sister) as a "Star Student" two years ago. Kilmister believes Haley was nominated because she is "the kindest of kids. She is engaged and friendly, always surrounded by friends." Haley is "comfortable with herself and is willing to help everyone, a really good kid." Haley was not able to be at the award ceremony.

Abigail Hampton was chosen, in part, for her entrepreneurial spirit. When learning that 5th-graders needed to raise money for "Nature's Classroom," Abigail marketed a "Sticks and Hoops" toy that she sold online and to the parents of her friends. Beyond that Abigail is welcoming. As she notes, "I try to help and be as kind as I can be." Abigail also won awards for "High Honors" and was recognized as an avid reader. Abby also believes that "if you smile a lot, you're attitude helps others."

Zachary Downs, the third "Eagle" winner agrees with Abby's statement about smiling. "True statement!" he noted. Zack achieved academic honors and hopes to achieve high honors by the end of the school year. Zack Downs is, according to Kilmister, a gregarious, charming Boy Scout. He can be goofy, but is a great politician; "just a wonderful boy."