Why is Free State Project trying to kill single family zoning?

5:26 a.m.

Why is Free State Project trying to kill single family zoning?

To the Editor;
A 6th housing forum was held at St Anselm's on Dec. 8.
The Free State Project is supposed to stand for freedom. So why would they want to impose draconian zoning changes on our towns?
Jason Sorens is the founder of the Free State Project and part of the "Center for Ethics in Society" at St Anselms's. In partnership with NH Housing and NH Office of Planning and Development, this group was the creator of the "Zoning Atlas," a tool that helps target towns that do not favor high density construction. Why would a supposedly Catholic college engage is such nonsense? Why would FSP members support such socialistic views?
Frankly there are too many non-governmental, unelected government groups that team up with special interest groups such has this one. These groups are then allowed to set policy, and yet, nobody voted for them!
Governor Sununu, who is also sold on this mission, has even praised Sorens' work.
What is so disturbing is that anyone who thinks we need to destroy single family zoning, or even advocate challenging the boundaries set up by HOAs, despite the fact that people who have purchased homes in those communities were fully aware of what living in an HOA would entail.
There are plenty of commercial buildings that can be converted into apartments without invading established neighborhoods where people have bought homes, expecting the zoning wouldn't change.
No wonder people are beginning to look unfavorably on the FSP. We must stay vigilant on this issue.
- Jane Aitken,