MILTON - If Maine Maple Day last weekend was a little too frigid to enjoy, area residents can take advantage of this weekend's Maple Day at the New Hampshire Farm Museum on Saturday when high temps will reach near 40.
Visitors will be able to learn about tapping trees and everything maple.
It takes 40 gallons of sap to boil down to make a gallon of maple syrup, and eventgoers will get to see it happen.
There will also be old-fashioned johnny cakes with syrup, sugar on snow, homemade doughnuts and horse-drawn sleigh rides.
Visitors can also explore the big yellow barn, try the maple barn hunt and visit the blacksmith shop.
Admission includes everything and is $7 adult/ $ 4 children ages 4-17.
The event runs from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m.