If the average working Rochester man or woman glanced through the agenda for tomorrow night's City Council meeting, do you think they'd realize that councilors will be voting on whether to establish a division of city government that will make sure you keep your grass cut to a maximum length of 10 inches?
Of course not!
Because that's not what agenda item 10.1.2 says.
It says this instead:
Amendment to Chapter 40 of the General Ordinances of the City of Rochester Regarding the International Property Maintenance Code: first reading and consideration for adoption.
How corrupt/dishonest is that?
Instead of saying upfront what they want to enact, they couch their true intent in bureaucratic mumbo jumbo.
Only if you read the "agenda and packet" that comes out on Thursdays prior to the following Tuesday City Council meeting or workshop would you learn what was up their sleeve.
And oh by the way, the agenda and packet is a mere 144 pages, so if you're trying to raise a family, put bread on the table, gas in the car, take the kids to soccer practice and relax a couple of hours before sacking out so you can do the same thing tomorrow, well, good luck with that.
There were a few folks at last month's City Council workshop who voiced their anger and disgust with the proposition to establish a lawn enforcement division within city government that is out patrolling weeds.
But sadly, there is no public input prior to tomorrow night's meeting.
So moments before city councilors vote on establishing a lawn police force, residents won't have a chance to express their views on the subject.
But they can express their views at the ballot box at the next City Council elections. And they can call their city councilors today and tomorrow and tell them, if you vote this in, I'm voting you out!
To find a phone number for your ward's councilors click here