Michael Wingate has been busy....just dropping his latest single, Shut Up and Vibe, on Spotify last Friday.... Go do yourself a favor and vibe out to this bop for 4 minutes. You will be glad you did! And if you want more, he has a local tour in the work ...see the calendar!
"The eagle has landed in the north!" he says. "I'm bumming around my old hometown this week and dropping loops like it's my job. Wait... it is my job... See you out there my loves!"
You are going to love him 💃🏼

Too soon for me to talk about Daisy Cutter 6....
Here you go with this weekend's shows.
Thursday...June 20
Sam Vlasich will be at Iron Tails in Acton ME, 6-9 pm
Friday....June 21
Michael Wingate will be at Porters Pub in Rochester NH, 6-9 pm
Ron Jones (the local, the original) will be at Mitchell Hill BBQ in Rochester NH, 6/9 pm
Rosie will be at the Garage at the Governors Inn in Rochester NH, 7-11 pm
Project 416 will be at the Hawgs Pen in Farmington NH, 7-11 pm
No Guts No Glory will be at Iron Tails in Acton ME, 7-11 pm
Bad Violet will be at Trains Tavern in Lebanon ME, 7-11 pm
Saturday...Jun 22
Aunt Peg will be at Iron Tails in Acton ME, 1-5 pm
Rosie will be at Bentleys Saloon in Arundel ME, 2 pm ☀️
Michael Wingate will be at Sawbelly Brewery in Exeter NH, 5-8 pm
Strat & Sully will be at Mitchell Hill BBQ in Rochester NH, 6-9 pm
The Toes will be at the Garage at the Governors Inn in Rochester NH, 6:45-11 pm
Matty and the Penders will be at Iron Tails in Acton ME, 7-11 pm
Folically Challenged will be at Trains Tavern in Lebanon ME, 7-11 pm
Cherry Bomb will be at the Moose Lodge in Milton NH, 8 pm
7empest: a Tool tribute and Nutshell: Alice In Chains tribute will be at the Rochester Opera House in Rochester NH, 8 pm
Sunday...Jun 23
Seacoast Metal Fest: The Smokes, Calm the Sea, Day to Attend, Wreckless Child, Stiletto, Gods Go First, Lethal Creed, Dawn of End, and Trawl will be at the Garage at the Governors Inn in Rochester NH, 12 Noon-7 pm all ages with guardian $
Rosie will be at Iron Tails in Acton ME, 1-5 pm ☀️
Jam for Jim (Driscoll) fundraiser at Iron Tails Saloon in Acton ME, 3 pm
Tuesday...June 25
Michael Wingate will be at Smuttynose Brewing Company in Hampton NH,
Thursday...June 27
Big John & Skip will be at Iron Tails in Acton ME, 6-9 pm
The Middlemen will be at the Garage at the Governors Inn in Rochester NH, 7-11 pm
And wait... there is more! 💃🏼
Acoustic Nights...
Wednesdays and Thursdays are Acoustic nights at the Spaulding Steak & Ale, at the Governor's Inn in Rochester NH, check their website for who is playing next! www.GovernorsInn.com
Open Mic Jam Nights...
Every other Wednesday at Mitchell Hill BBQ in Rochester NH, starting at 5 pm
Brady Gier will be hosting Wednesdays at the Brick in Dover NH, 6-9 pm
Middle Man hosting 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at Stripe Nine Brewing Company in Somersworth NH
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at the Milton Moose Lodge in Milton NH, 7-10 pm
Thursday Nights Hosted by Dave Ogden at Earth Eagle North Brewery in Somersworth NH, 6 pm
Thursdays at The Hawgs Pen in Farmington NH, starting at 7 pm
First Saturday of the month at Charleez Hill in Lebanon ME, starting at 7 pm
Third Sunday of each month, Acoustic at The Strand in Dover NH, 1-5 pm
Trivia Nights...
Tuesdays at the Lilac City Grille in Rochester NH, starting at 6:30 pm
Scott the Trivia Guy Wednesdays at Earth Eagle North in Somersworth NH, 6-8
Thursdays at Mitchell Hill BBQ in Rochester NH, starting at 6 pm
Every other Thursday at the Governor's Inn in Rochester NH, 7-10 pm
Don't forget to give a big tip to the hardworking waitstaff and musicians when you are Out and About this weekend! 💃🏼
CC Bissett is a longtime Rochester music scene aficionado. She lives in Lebanon, Maine. You can
contact her at ccbissett603@gmail.com