Charlie Moreno of Branch Hill Farm discusses timber harvesting at a recent forestry walk. (MMRG photo)
Moose Mountains Regional Greenways and Branch Hill Farm/the Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trustare teaming up to offer a workshop on different methods of sustainable logging to produce different forest products on Nov. 9 from 9:30 a.m.-noon.
Branch Hill Farm consulting forester Charlie Moreno will discuss various timber harvest systems, with on-site demonstrations by Larry Hersom of Hersom Logging and by logger Brent Day. The workshop is free and targeted to woodlot owners, loggers, and everyone interested in understanding the timber harvest practices they observe in our New Hampshire forest lands.
Moreno has practiced as a consulting forester for more than 30 years. He has managed more than 30,000 acres of forests for private landowners, conservation organizations, and communities in southern New Hampshire and Maine. In this workshop, Moreno and the loggers working with him will demonstrate conventional harvest methods as well as harvesting for biomass or cut-to-length products. Workshop participants will get a first-hand look at the machinery, compare/contrast the different practices, and learn about the advantages/disadvantages of each and where each type works best.