The Rochester Voice is committed to covering the Rochester area like nobody else.
We have nearly 3,000 subscribers to our digital newspaper and more than 60,000 monthly visitors who enjoy free access to the majority of our platform.
We hope you value The Rochester Voice as much as we value our readers.
But if you are a subscriber or a reader who wants to do more, please consider donating to The Rochester Voice's mission.
Keep in mind that The Rochester Voice is not a 501c3 nonprofit, so your donation is NOT tax deductible, however unless you itemize your deductions, it won't affect either your refund or what you may have to pay at tax time.
In other words, for charitable contributions to count toward increasing your deduction they, combined with your other deductions, must be in excess of the standard deduction.
The standard deduction in 2023 was $13,850 for single taxpayers, $27,700 for married filers filing jointly and $20,800 for heads of households.
That said, we are journalists, not accountants or CPAs, and you should check with your tax preparer if you have any questions or concerns.
In 2020 we bucked the trend of much of our industry by not seeking donations, but as we look forward to ensuring The Rochester Voice is a sustainable news source, it is important that you, our readers, know that while income from advertising shrank this past year, expenses went up.
To subscribe to The Rochester Voice, click here.
To donate to The Rochester Voice in support of local, organic and noncorporate journalism, click here.
You can also mail a donation to support local, organic and noncorporate journalism. Send it to The Rochester Voice, PO Box 1178, Milton, NH 03851.
We thank our readers for believing in us and look forward to covering the stories that matter most in 2021.
- Martha T Soto Galicia,
President, The Rochester Voice