To the editor:
A poll taken years ago revealed only 2 percent of Americans knew the God given five basic liberties that the First Amendment demands that "Congress shall make no law against." After enduring two years of Governor Sununu ignoring these inherent rights that both the New Hampshire and U.S. Constitutions secure, one wonders if he's among the 98 percent?
Our Governor during his tenure in office hasn't given any evidence that he knows the fundamental premise of Americanism. Article 1 , section 1 immediately following the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, says "ALL" legislative power shall be vested in Congress. This power negates the legitimacy of all executive orders that our governor has supported for federal mandates. Would the governor or the president please tell us where the constitutional authorization is?
For federal executive power to make law doesn't exist that took civil liberties away during the lockdown or the mandates initiated through the DHHS/OSHA for mass vaccination.
Our Honorable Governor is not ignorant of these laws. So why does he ignore the constitutional law ensuring ordered liberty for well over two centuries? For he has sworn before the Supreme Judge of the universe to obey these supreme laws of New Hampshire, and the U.S. voters should ask him why he continues to break his word against these sacred laws.
Maybe too many people believe he's a good governor because the governors of New York and California have made him look better than he is. Ask yourself a question: Who polices government? You do! How can you hold your officeholders accountable if you lack the knowledge of how this great document limits political action?
- Russ Payne,