CONCORD - DHHS announced 120 new positive test results for COVID-19 on Wednesday, for a daily PCR test positivity rate of 1.0 percent.
Those who tested positive include 12 under 18 and 18 from Strafford County.
Three new hospitalized cases were reported for a current total of 42.
DHHS also announced one additional death related to COVID-19, a Merrimack County over 60.
Local numbers show the continuation of the statewide surge with Rochester at 25 current cases, Dover with 49, Durham with 35, Barrington with nine, Farmington with six, Somersworth with seven and Milton and Strafford with one-four.
Meanwhile, it's hard to believe that during the heavily reported surge in New Hampshire COVID-19 infections, there is some very good news within the data that is being lightly reported.
For instance numbers from Wednesday show 120 new positive test results, with three news hospitalized cases for a current total of 42.
The numbers also reflect that the disease is fatal for 4 percent of all those who contract it. But go back a month to Oct. 4 and the fatality rate shows 5 percent. Go back another month and fatality rate was at 6 percent.
Now let's look at hospitalizations. The current hospitalization rate for those who
catch the virus is 7 percent. A month ago on Oct. 4 it was 9 percent. And on Sept. 4 it was 10 percent.
So the more tests, the more the hospitalization and fatality rates go down.
More COVID number for NH for Nov. 5
NH Persons who have contracted COVID-19 11,563
Recovered 9,625 (83%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 484 (4%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 1,454
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 787 (7%)
Current Hospitalizations 42
Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 4,750