CONCORD - Rochester's active COVID-19 cases rose to six on Tuesday after more than a week of being in the 1-4 count range, but Dr. Benjamin Chan, the state's top epidemiologist, said during yesterday's press conference that the slight uptick in daily confirmed cases the state has experienced the past two weeks is not a surge.
Locally, Dover case numbers are also at six, with Somersworth, Barrington and Strafford all at 1-4. Farmington also went to 1-4 after about a week of having no confirmed cases. Milton continues to have no confirmed cases.
Meanwhile, DHHS officials announced 33 new positive test results for COVID-19, including five under the age of 18 and two more from Strafford County.
One new hospitalized case was identified for a current total of 23.
DHHS also announced one additional death related to COVID-19, a Cheshire County woman 60 or older.
During the press conference Gov. Chris Sununu cautioned Granite Staters that while the state is doing very well right now with COVID concerns, there's no chance of his lifting the current state of emergency since that would erase all of his executive orders issued regarding the pandemic.
"That won't be happening anytime soon," he said, adding it might have to wait for successful outcomes in the search for therapeutics or a vaccine.
More NH COVID numbers
NH Persons who have had COVID-19 6,693
Recovered 5,915 (88%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 418 (6%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 360
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 698 (10%)
Current Hospitalizations 23
Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 2,975